I originally started this series some time last year, where whenever new designer bags release (or are upcoming), I give my honest thoughts and reviews on them and whether or not I think you should snag them. For those unfamiliar, I organize these designer bags into 3 categories: yasss, hmmm, or hell naw. Personally I always think it’s fun to compare my style to others and also get to know y’all’s likes and dislikes a bit better. Whether or not you agree with my thoughts, this is all in the name of fun! 🫶🏽
I caught this one a lot later than I should have. It’s a true beauty. It exudes class and elegance, a definitely YASSS for me!
I truly don’t get the hype over this bag. Perhaps it’s because I tend to shy away from the “sophisticated” and “classic” styles. This one first launched in the 1980s and it truly should have stayed there if you ask me. Thus, it’s a HELL NAW for me!
There’s something a bit too symmetrical and square-like about this bag (idk if I even make sense). However, I am a big fan of structure. I feel that this embodies all the things quiet luxury is, so I have to add it to “hmmm.” Although it’s not for me, I still think it’s an overall beautiful bag!
There’s so many things I want to express about this bag; I just can’t quite put it into words. Let me tell you this, I am usually not a hobo style type of girl. However, I am all over the structure, the studs, and I’m sure the gorgeous hue of brown has me feeling some type of way too. All around yasss for me! The only thing I’m not too crazy over is the price. As mentioned in the video below, can someone let me know if Khaite bags ever go on clearance?
It’s crazy that the price of this bag used to be the price of bigger bags from Bottega not that long ago. That aside, I don’t think I’m too crazy about this one. I feel it’s really meant for a certain kind of person and that ain’t me. I do think it’s cute though. Let’s stick it in “hmmm.”
Balmain tries their best to do “it bags,” but I am usually not ever a fan. This one is cute, but every time I go for a bag with the brand name in script across the front (my Celine Mini Cabas in Camouflage for instance), I eventually get bored with it. I think this bag would be so much better with the “Balmain” in a much quieter placement on the bag. It’s a hell naw for me!
I wrote this post well after the video was filmed and posted and the more I think about it, I think this shade of pink is what got me. The black is okay, but this pink is everything and more. Idk, I think I’m still going to put it in the yasss category, also because it’s at an amazing price on sale rn!
I used to not have Loewe as a frontrunner on my top luxury brand list, but lately that’s changed. I feel they’re the luxury brand that truly encompasses all things classy and quality. Although this particular style isn’t up my alley, I can see why it can be a top pick for others. I’ll add that to my “hmmm” category.
Chloé is one of those luxury brands that doesn’t get nearly the respect it deserves. When I think of an “it” bag, they do it better than most of the rest imo. If you’re looking for a practical, quiet bag that won’t break the bank, this is it. It’s a yasss!
I’m not one of those people that have just forgiven Balenciaga; let’s get that business clear. I see what they were trying to do with this though. They wanted to also capitalize on the “big bag energy” trend. Saint Laurent did the same thing with the iCare Bag. I’m personally ready for the entire Cagole lineup of products to dieee. Now I will admit, I do have a pair of Cagole booties that I love, and I also adore the regular lineup of Balenciaga Cagole bags. Maybe one day when I feel like they’re sincere in apologizing or somehow rectifying what they did, I may get one. For me, this tote is a no. I’d personally go for another designer tote.
How do y’all feel about these designer bags? Let me know in the comments and check out my YouTube video below if you haven’t!